All for the magic


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Blog: You name here!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 | 6:39 PM | 0 comments
kolah nk bukak dah kaa??
awat aq rsa mcm sat jaa..
derek bla cuti jaa rsa pndek bla kolah rsa pnjg..
awat tah??
aq pown tatau laa.
tapi tu yg sronok tuh..
ampa nk tau ka pasai paa??
takyah la kodd :p..
nk tau jugak??
aq abak..
sbb dapat tgk muka dya laa..
stakat dlm fb apa cita..
ta real arh..
*gatai jugak aq nih hii..
sedang gelak sowang2.....

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