All for the magic


Hello! Im ___ and i have __ years old. I live in _____ and i like ___ .
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Blog: You name here!
Friday, September 2, 2011 | 1:26 AM | 0 comments

assalamualaikum :]

sumpah bosan ari ni ,
post kali ni nk tunjuk keja kami kat kolah .

k . ni waktu dimana cua mengeluarkan nips nya . kami wat keja yg x betui dgn menyapu warnanya ke bibir .
warna x nmpk sgt . sory laa nohh .
k , muka aq yg tgh termuntah tu mcm org mntk penyepak doee .
maap kpd shui n kyrui .
jgn marah aq lak erk :]]

ni wkto majlis berbuka posa kat kolah . huhu . 
peace no war larhh .

abaikan muka aq . hitam mcm anak keling . 

gmbq neyh dicover krana ad adegan yg tidak patot dilihat ..
heheh .

gmbq x bnyk ,
sory sgtsgt .
nnti aq ltk len nohh .
kbai ..
w'salam :]]]

I wonder how boys feel when they're in love :/ Do they get butterflies? Do they have you on their mind 24/7? Do they wait for you to come online for hours? Do they smile at random times at the thought of you? Do they miss you all the time? ♥


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